
FDA Updates Ozempic Warning Label for Intestinal Blockage

FDA Updates Ozempic Warning Label for Intestinal Blockage

Ozempic, known for its efficacy in managing diabetes and aiding weight loss, has recently sparked a lot of controversy. Individuals are filing Ozempic lawsuits after experiencing excruciating gastrointestinal complications. The FDA has taken a noteworthy step by updating the label on Ozempic to address reports of stomach injuries. In September 2023, the agency revised the Ozempic warning label to advise patients about the risk of intestinal blockage.   

Why Ozempic Swept the Nation 

Ozempic is a drug known as a GLP-1 agonist. These drugs replicate a hormone naturally produced by the body known as GLP-1. This hormone plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels and the digestion of food.  

One of the key actions of GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic is their ability to slow down the passage of food through the stomach. When you consume a meal, your stomach typically processes it at a certain rate. GLP-1 agonists step in to modify this process, causing your stomach to empty more slowly. This effect translates to a prolonged sense of fullness, which can be beneficial for those looking to manage their weight or control their appetite. 

FDA Changes Ozempic Warning Label to Include Intestinal Blockage 

The popularity of Ozempic as a weight-loss tool quickly took off among the general public and celebrity circles. However, reports concerning stomach issues have overshadowed the drug’s diabetes and weight management origins. One of the first Ozempic injury lawsuits was filed in August 2023, with hundreds of other cases expected.  

Plaintiffs allege they have experienced several distressing injuries such as gastroparesis (stomach paralysis), severe vomiting, stomach pain, and gastrointestinal burning. The adverse health reports surrounding Ozempic pushed the FDA to update the drug’s label to include the risk of intestinal blockage on September 22 

Some individuals who have used Ozempic have reported experiencing a condition known as ileus. Ileus is an intestinal blockage that disrupts the normal movement of food and waste through your digestive system. The FDA also included a warning about using Ozempic with sulfonylurea. When taken together, Ozempic can increase the risk of hypoglycemia, or extremely low blood sugar.  

But the FDA is not stopping at Ozempic alone. They’ve also directed their attention to related drugs like Wegovy and Mounjaro. These medications, like Ozempic, are part of the same class and may share similar mechanisms of action. As a result, the FDA updated their labels to acknowledge the potential risks associated with intestinal issues.  

Status of Ozempic Lawsuits October 2023 

Ozempic injury lawsuits revolve around allegations that manufacturers did not adequately inform patients about the potential risks of severe gastrointestinal events. Individuals are taking legal action against Novo Nordisk, manufacturer of Ozempic and Wegovy, and Eli Lilly, the company behind Mounjaro.  

The basis of these claims is firmly rooted in the alleged connection between these weight-loss drugs and the subsequent gastrointestinal events. These complications, as reported, have included complications like blocked intestines and ileus, which have also been addressed in the recent FDA label update.  

If you or a loved one experienced gastrointestinal injury after taking Ozempic, you may qualify for significant compensation. Call (888) 525-3529 to speak with the experienced team at The Lake Law Firm today.