
Studies Identify Predatory Marketing in Baby Formula Industry

Studies Identify Predatory Marketing in Baby Formula Industry

Three new studies reveal that baby formula manufacturers have deceptively marketed the safety of cow’s milk formula. Companies have allegedly targeted parents, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to generate profits and steer the public from breastfeeding. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these marketing strategies are responsible for reducing breastfeeding worldwide. 

Breastfeeding Is More Beneficial Than Cow’s Milk Formulas 

Research has confirmed that breastfeeding has proven health benefits for mothers and babies. Despite this, less than 50% of babies breastfeed worldwide. Infants are more likely to survive, grow, and develop properly when fed human breast milk from their mothers. Also, breastfeeding reinforces brain development and prevents malnutrition, disease, obesity, and mortality. 

Breastfeeding is better for mothers too. Research suggests breastfeeding lowers a mother’s risk of breast and ovarian cancers, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. 

When possible, the WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months. The organization also advises continued breastfeeding for at least the first two years. 

Infant Formula Manufacturers Reportedly Use Deceptive Marketing Practices 

The superiority of breastfeeding over cow’s milk formula is widely recognized. However, the WHO has found many barriers that stand in the way of breastfeeding. Among these breastfeeding obstacles is corporate marketing practices. 

An international team of researchers working with the WHO published reports on dishonest marketing from baby formula manufacturers. The team found cow’s milk formula marketing worsens breastfeeding misconceptions and makes unsupported claims about the benefits of cow’s milk formula. Today, more infants are fed formula milk, with formula industry sales approaching $55 billion annually. Yet, commercial formula does not come close to breastmilk’s immune properties or health and development advantages.

Manufacturers exploit the fears and desires of parents by lying about what commercial formula can do for infant health. For example, companies claim formulas can soothe fussiness, flatulence, and crying. Also, some manufacturers market their products as helping infants sleep better or promoting superior intelligence for infants. But, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. 

The WHO’s team also noted that manufacturers target healthcare professionals and scientific establishments through funding and corporate-backed science. 

Baby Formula NEC Lawsuits

These studies arrive as infant formula manufacturers face dozens of lawsuits in state and federal courts. Families have filed baby formula NEC claims against companies like Abbott and Mead Johnson for infant injuries and deaths connected to their formulas. For years, these companies have marketed their Similac and Enfamil formulas as safe for premature infants. However, there is evidence that cow’s milk-based formula increases the risk of a deadly gastrointestinal disease in premature babies. Baby formula NEC lawyers allege manufacturers knew about the dangers associated with cow’s milk-based formula but didn’t warn the public. 

The Lake Law Firm Can Help You File a Baby Formula NEC Claim

The WHO’s research highlights baby formula companies placing profits over the health of infants and mothers. Manufacturers employ lobbying and false marketing to increase revenue regardless of the impact on global infant health. The Lake Law Firm wants to support families of infants affected by cow’s milk formula. Companies have a duty to provide safe products and prioritize the well-being of vulnerable infants. 

The Lake Law Firm was founded by Edward J. Lake, Esq., a personal injury lawyer for over 25 years. Our dedicated team of attorneys is committed to seeking justice on behalf of those who have suffered injury or death due to the negligence of others. Our experienced attorneys handle many different types of pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, and other defective products. The lawyers in our firm have helped collect millions of dollars for their clients. The Lake Law Firm will advocate for you and your rights. Please contact us for a free confidential case evaluation at (888) 525-3529.